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Military Careers

Service in the United States military is rewarded with a variety of benefits, many of which may be of interest to you.

Here are just a few:

  • earn money toward your college education
  • opportunity for travel
  • free medical and dental care
  • income while you serve
  • scholarship and fellowship opportunities
  • vocational certification in your career field
  • pay bonuses
  • certain housing, medical, and educational services to families
  • lifetime retirement benefits after twenty years of service

To find out more about the possibilities available through the US military, come into the College & Career Center and pick up some literature, make an appointment to talk with a recruiter, or check out the links below.


The ASVAB Test (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) measures basic skills and vocational aptitude. Administered by the military, but without obligation.  There is no charge to take the ASVAB Test. It can be a great career exploration tool for all students, regardless of post high school plans.  If you are considering joining the military, your score on the ASVAB determines which options may be open to you.  Practice is essential to do your best. 


Military Academies

Students interested in attending military academies will need to start working toward that goal early in their high school career.

This is a highly specialized application process.  Please refer interested students to their high school counselor for assistance. There are also military recruiters who can support those interested. Also check to see if a student is able to take the ASVAB assessment tool to provide students with some direction/feedback about which military option may be a good fit.

Military Academy options include:


Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

 This is a leadership program where you will be able to take 24 elective credits that will coincide with your four year college degree.

  • Scholarships available to high school seniors 

  • Some academic requirements for admission and continuation, depending upon branch of service 
  • Living allowances while in college 

    Enter military as an officer after college, is excited to share with you some of their newest military resources to help high school graduates joining the military. They have created three guides for high school students enlisting in the military:

    These resources cover everything a servicemember could want for the college planning process, including; how to plan for college with expert interviews from people who have been there, how-to guides for financial aid guide broken down by branch, and a list of the most military-friendly online colleges in America so they can continue their education while enlisted.