Additional Skills Assessments
Career One Stop is a place to explore career exploration, training & jobs.
MyPath Careers is a totally relevant (and a little irreverent!) website geared to Oregon teens, where you can explore careers, to education and training, and learn about job opportunities. It’s interactive, integrated and hooks-up directly with everyone:
• Explore 250+ career profiles by interest, salary, education and industry
• View 450+ videos and photo diaries of real people talking about their work and giving advice
• Learn about required experience and education and where to go to school
• Use links to Career Pathways Roadmaps for Oregon Community College programs
• Find additional resources for financial aid, mentoring, internships and more.
Career Pathways Roadmaps
This user-friendly site is especially helpful if you are just beginning to explore local and regional training, education, and career options. Provided through Lane Community College, a Career Pathway Roadmap is a visual tool for students and parents to learn about the skills, education requirements, available jobs and projected wages for several specific careers. As you click through the choices, you’ll see easy to understand charts which show the progression of jobs and wages in each career path, along with the skills, certificates, and degrees you’ll need to be successful in that occupation.
Explore Health Careers.Org
This website has a sidebar on the homepage that lets you quickly explore careers in the health sciences fields, covering everything from veterinary medicine to arts & humanities.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) provides information on nature of work; working conditions; employment; training, advancement, and other qualifications; job outlook; earnings; related occupations; and sources of additional information for over 250 different occupations covering 9 out of 10 jobs in the economy.
Oregon Skills Sets
Hosted by the Oregon Department of Education, the Oregon Skills Sets are lists of knowledge and skills in career and technical education that students need in order to be successful in career and college. The world is all about “skills sets” nowadays, and knowing which skills are valued and necessary in particular careers will help you to plan for your occupational and educational future. These lists were just revised and updated in August 2012, to better reflect the most current and relevant skills in each career area, and the most up-to-date industry information in Oregon.
The ASVAB Test (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) measures basic skills and vocational aptitude. Administered by the military, but without obligation. There is no charge to take the ASVAB Test. It can be a great career exploration tool for all students, regardless of post high school plans. Thurston High School offers an opportunity to take the ASVAB each December, be sure to listen to the announcements for the actual date.